Wednesday 28 May 2014

Continuing to photograph for Glasshouse College

Due to the success of module ADPH33, the glasshouse college really loved the photographs I had taken and wish for me to continue to take photographs. This has been a fantastic opportunity to showcase my skills and get noticed as a photographer.

Work opportunities within Glasshouse College - Stourbridge

From the connections I have already made through getting a job here as a support worker and the work done for ADPH33. I am now working towards becoming a photography tutor at the college. This entails teaching students aged between 16 - 25 with learning difficulties and behavioural needs. I have already demonstrated that I am fully capable for this position as I have been observed teaching photography a couple of times over the last 6 months in unofficial 1:1 based sessions. In order for me to take this position officially I need the correct qualifications. Once I have my photography degree, I will then need some form of teaching qualification. I considered doing a PGCE, however I found an alternative but cheaper option.A sequence of qualifications that would allow me to teach in post-compulsory education (students over 16). These are; PTLLS is short for Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, CTLLS Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector and DTLLS Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. 

I'm currently studying these qualifications through the Glasshouse College, whilst working as a support worker.

Joining Linkedin (Networking)

I've finally got around to networking on linkedin. I was originally apprehensive about doing any self promotion because I didn't feel ready or skilled enough to actually carry out paid photography assignments. However, due to working at the Glasshouse College over the last few months, I feel ready to take that step. 

Linkedin is a website dedicated to Building and engaging with your professional network. Allowing the users to access knowledge, insights and opportunities.By joining this website people can locate me, read about my experience and skills (like a CV) and offer me work or other exciting opportunities. 

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Putting myself on facebook!

I've now made a professional page for my photography on Facebook!

This will really help me get noticed, because I can share it amongst my friends list & this is a really simple way to get it pasted around the internet. I also don't feel my website is very good at this point, so until I get a new website, this is a good way to share my work.