Thursday 15 March 2012

Been There. Seen It. Got The Tshirt.

Our live exhibition on the 13th of March was a complete success. The planning that went into it was fairly substantial considering it wasn't a venue based exhibition and there were no photographs to print, mount and frame! It took a lot of work to get the exhibition advertised and without the advertisement nobody would have shown up. Matt and Shaunie did some work for Drakes Circus, covering a student event, which got us free poster advertisement for a few weeks, Emma managed to get an article in the Herald, which I feel broadcasted our artwork to a large audience and I went around with an armful of leaflets, delivering them across Lipson, I don't think this got us many viewers but I couldn't think where else to advertise!
This is our poster and also what I posted at peoples houses in leaflet form

Herald news paper article

Us on the go, on our exhibition! 
The day was extremely tiring but we were approached by many members of the public which was extremely rewarding. I spoke to many people and I think this boosted my confidence a lot regarding talking about my work. I really recommend this form of exhibition. Although I consider it less 'professional', it gets people talking about your work.

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